Detailed agenda by day will be sent out to all participants on their emails.

The event will be split in two modules: 

Module 1: Tuesday, 10th October 2023 (13:00 – 17:00)

Module 2: Thursday, 12th October 2023  (13:00 – 17:00)

Topics covered will include:

·       Legal and regulatory framework of corporate governance; novelties related to the Supervisory Board composition, OECD corporate governance rules

·       Corporate Governance, why it matters and what are the best European practices

·       European trends in terms of gender equality: EU Directive on quotas in supervisory boards of listed companies, and its implementation status across the EU countries

·       Legal and business framework of the Supervisory Board, composition and jurisdiction

·       Duties and responsibilities of Supervisory Board vs. Management Board, with a presentation of the differences between monistic and dualistic systems of corporate governance

·       Prerequisites for the effective operation of the Supervisory Board

·       Supervisory Board’s Committees: Composition, their roles and interaction with the Supervisory Board and the Management 

·       The Role of the Supervisory Board in the time of crisis (war in Ukraine, inflation)

·       Writing the Bio for Board Non-Executives and Board roles search

·       Relevance of ESG